Welcome back...
So I had surgery this week on 7/14.
The surgeons were going to go in and see if they could re-inflate my right lung.
They went down the airway and discovered that the airway was massively and
completely scarred closed. A few attempts at trying to open it failed.
Under recommendation from some of their other colleagues,
they decided to leave everything just like it is. The airway is completely closed
so no germs are going to get to it. The lung is getting blood flow so its not causing a
massive infection. If they were to go in and remove the lung completely, we
are talking 8+ hours to remove it. So this is how I am.
I am now walking around with just 1 lung working, the other one is doing nothing
but sitting in my chest.
I need to touch base with my surgeons office here and I guess that's it
for all of that.
I got a letter back from the University of Hawaii on a job I applied for.
Just waiting to hear any word back from them at this point.
Time to crank up the resume writing now to see if I can land any good
positions over there.