Monday, July 23, 2012

Yard Sale

This weekend was busy. 

We got up early Saturday morning and decided to put everything we own
out on the front yard and sell it.   Jeff Foxworthy has a funny skit about
people that do this every Saturday.

Woke up Sunday and did the same thing.

You meet a lot of interesting people when you have a yard sale.
We had a nice couple up from Georgia for a reunion that stopped by.
A guy from Alabama that had 15 months to go before retiring stopped by. 
They closed his plant down south and said "come to MI for the rest of your time
or see you later".  So hes working up here at the Chrysler proving
grounds crashing very expensive cars until hes done.
He kept telling everyone in the yard...  They are moving to Hawaii!
We told him all our town & country mini van horror stories because of that.
He said he was very sorry.  LOL 
A very nice pastor and his wife stopped by.   Hopefully they made it to
their shower in time.  

All the furniture is gone from the house.  We have some odds and ends
that didn't sell, but everything else is outta there.

Carload of household items that we were not keeping and did not sell, was
dropped off at Goodwill.   I'm sure there will be more of those trips.

Spent Sunday evening at the lake with friends.  
It was sooo nice to get in the water after toasting for two days.
We sold the grill and our cooler so we looked funny at the
picnic table with Mickey D's cups for our drinks.  
Do what you have to do.  :)

Came home and everyone crashed hard to sleep.  

My days before I fly out are ticking down and I'm sure this will be
another jammed packed week.

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